business strategy

most popular image March 21st, 2023 / 13 min Key Features Law Firms Must Look for in Customer Growth & Development Software Law firms may face many challenges this year like falling demand and changing client preferences. Here's what to do. read
most popular image November 22nd, 2022 / 12 min Choosing Effective Law Office Technology for Your Tasks And Needs Technology is here to stay. But you need to follow a smart way of adapting to the new digital reality. read
most popular image September 29th, 2022 / 12 min Tech in Law Firms: Trends and Challenges Law firms have long been slow in responding to technology-driven changes. But it seems that things start moving. read
most popular image September 15th, 2022 / 15 min How CX Thinking Helps Avoid Risks & Build Better Products? Today, the flawless CX design must be factored into every business process from day one. And here’s why. read
most popular image August 16th, 2022 / 16 min Analysis of Product Metrics is Key to MVP Success MVP development must follow the principle of continuous improvement dictated by data about customer interactions. read
most popular image July 13th, 2022 / 16 min Moving to the Cloud? Choose Cloud Service Providers Wisely To embrace cloud tech, you need to better know its specifics as it should correlate with your particular business requirements. read
most popular image May 30th, 2022 / 20 min Beyond Just Idea: How to Build a Sextech Business? Whether due to the growing sexual awareness or other factors, the interest in sextech has increased. How to enter the niche though? read
most popular image April 7th, 2022 / 14 min PRACTICAL WAYS OF IMPROVING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE IN ECOMMERCE Great CX delivers positive results not only from a customer’s perspective but also from an organizational one. read
most popular image March 29th, 2022 / 9 min SHOULD YOU STILL OUTSOURCE IT TO UKRAINE? By outsourcing IT to Ukrainian teams, you invest in the state’s economy. It’s critical for Ukraine to thrive financially now. read
most popular image March 15th, 2022 / 12 min THE GROWING IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING FOR BUSINESS CONTINUITY BCP depends on many factors — business size & type, industry, way of working, core activities, etc. All this must be accounted for. read
most popular image January 26th, 2022 / 14 min OMNICHANNEL IS STILL A BIG THING IN ELEVATING DIGITAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE There’s no uniform solution for all businesses looking to follow the omnichannel path. This requires a custom approach. read
most popular image November 9th, 2021 / 11 min THE TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO OUTSOURCING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT IS DEAD If you are dissatisfied with the result of cooperation between in-house and external teammates, there’s certainly a need for change. watch
most popular image October 19th, 2021 / 11 min BEING A VIRTUAL CTO IS MORE THAN JUST GIVING ADVICE: AN INSIDE PEEK To move forward you need a wealth of talent, a scalable infrastructure, and a strategy for continuous growth. CTO keeps an eye on this all. read
most popular image August 21st, 2021 / 11 min EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CTO-AS-A-SERVICE A virtual CTO provides go-to technology consulting to ensure that company technology decisions align with business goals. read
most popular image August 9th, 2021 / 11 min POC, PROTOTYPE, OR MVP: HOW TO ACHIEVE PRODUCT-MARKET FIT? How to grow from an idea to a product that people love to use? The road starts with understanding PoC, prototype, and MVP. read
most popular image July 6th, 2021 / 13 min SEXTECH STARTUPS: THE FUTURE OF WELLBEING If you have an idea of a sextech product and want to enter the industry, we have a few practical tips for you. read
most popular image June 7th, 2021 / 13 min HOW TO MANAGE TECHNICAL DEBT? Technical debt works the same way as financial debt. If you don't repay the loan, it continues to compound. Here's how to maintain it. watch
most popular image May 20th, 2021 / 3 min SEXTECH STARTUPS: BARRIERS & PERSPECTIVES There are still many obstacles and challenges for companies in sextech, yet new opportunities are also opening up for them. listen
most popular image February 19th, 2021 / 13 min B2B AND B2C PRODUCT MANAGEMENT: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Despite some overlap, B2B and B2C product management follows different processes & approaches. Let's make it clear. listen
most popular image January 25th, 2021 / 13 min THE PROBLEM WITH PRODUCT STRATEGY AND HOW YOU CAN FIX IT? The main reason why a feature-based roadmap fails is that it lacks the answer to one simple question: Why is this feature needed? read
most popular image September 30th, 2020 / 16 min HOW TO LAUNCH A STARTUP WHEN YOUR BUDGET IS TIGHT? Product development can cost you a fortune. But if approached rationally, you have all chances of releasing a valuable product. read
most popular image June 5th, 2020 / 8 min WHAT IS SEXTECH AND WHY IS IT SUCH A BIG OPPORTUNITY? We often hear about such growing industries as fintech and healthtech. But sextech is often overlooked. Why? read
most popular image November 14th, 2019 / 7 min DIGITAL PRODUCT STRATEGY: FROM IDEA TO EXECUTION A successful product starts with a successful product strategy. Here's how to create one. read