
most popular image March 29th, 2022 / 9 min SHOULD YOU STILL OUTSOURCE IT TO UKRAINE? By outsourcing IT to Ukrainian teams, you invest in the state’s economy. It’s critical for Ukraine to thrive financially now. read
most popular image March 15th, 2022 / 12 min THE GROWING IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING FOR BUSINESS CONTINUITY BCP depends on many factors — business size & type, industry, way of working, core activities, etc. All this must be accounted for. read
most popular image February 23rd, 2022 / 18 min 9 SECRETS OF EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION WITH A UI UX DESIGN SERVICE PROVIDER For the product to communicate your custom message, you, as a business owner, should take part in designing it from day one. read
most popular image November 9th, 2021 / 11 min THE TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO OUTSOURCING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT IS DEAD If you are dissatisfied with the result of cooperation between in-house and external teammates, there’s certainly a need for change. watch